Keyboard Shortcuts in Docket

Interested in working faster in Docket? Start using our keyboard shortcuts to launch common features in Docket today!

Before You Start

  • Your permission level (Role) in Docket will determine which, if any, of these keyboard shortcuts you can use. Administrators and Office Staff roles are able to use any/all of these shortcuts.
  • Make sure you're not clicked into a text field otherwise pressing one of these keyboard letters will simply type that letter into the text field and it won't operate as a shortcut.
  • It doesn't matter if your Caps Lock is on or off, pressing the below keyboard letter will operate as a shortcut as expected.

Docket Feature and Keyboard Shortcut:

Add Job j
Schedule Event e
Create Invoice i
Add Client c
Add Task r or t
Add Dumpster Task d


To launch the related Docket feature, press the letter above on your keyboard.



If you have any questions, please reach out to our Support team through the blue chat widget on the bottom right of this page or by sending an email to!

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