Welcome to this help center guide on completing the enrollment form for DocketPay (Payrix). The form should only take about 10-15 minutes to complete, and this guide will walk you though the process.
If you found this guide and have not started the enrollment form - this guide will show you how to start the process.
If you have tried to complete the form, but it wont let you submit the information - there is likely an error on the form. You will know there is an error on the form if there are red exclamation marks on the section headers.
When you click on the section, the incomplete/ incorrect data will be highlighted in red.
Below is the common areas that people have errors:
Business - When you click on this section, you need to scroll down past Business overview to see the other business section that need completing: Business details, business address and account login
Business overview - Industry code - Our integration works best when the accounts are categorized as Utilities. Your only option for industry is 4900 - utilities, please pick that option
Business details - Secondary descriptor - This is an optional field. Your DBA will appear on your customers bank statement, but if you want additional information like "Dumpster services" then enter it into this section
Account login - this section is for you to create your new login information for the Payrix account - this is not the information you used to login to Docket. It does not accept special characters, only numbers and letters are accepted
- Ownership information - The system requires all owners who own 25% or more of the business to be listed on the form, this includes full date of birth and social security number
Bank information - Enter bank information manually - When you choose manual connection, you will be prompted to upload a copy of voided check and your drivers license for verification
If you have further questions, or continue to have issues completing the enrollment form, please reach out to docketpay@yourdocket.com